With a history of thousands of years, Gangamata society has its own significance. Gangamata Samaj, one of the tribal communities of Karnataka, is identified by 39 alternative words (castes). The society has to grow economically, socially, politically, and educationally even higher and on an equal footing with other societies "Karnataka Rajya Gangamatshara Sangh" is working as a unit of our solid mother association "Karnataka Rajya Gangamatshara Sangh" to give strength in this regard.

Among the ancient tribes of India, the Ambigars are the best, Koli and Kabbaliga communities. They are Besta, Bunde Besara, Ambiga, Koli, (Koli), Kabbaliga, Kabbera, Macchi Gabit, Sons of Ganges, Gangaputra, Gangamatstha, Fisherman, Boi (Bhoi) of the stream, Parivara, Nayaka, Talwar, Tokrekoli, Mahadevakoli, Mogaveera, Harikanta, Kharvi, Gangakula, Barki, Suryavamsa Chicken, etc. Called by more than 39 alternative names. In North Karnataka, they depended on occupations like Valikara, Talwar, Jamadar, Natikara, Kolukara, Barikera, Sunagara, Malis, Dalpatis, Mogaveera, Harikantara, Ambiga, Ambigera, Kabbaliga, Kabbaligara, Koli etc. 12th During the century, many Sharans have raised their clan deity as Ankitanama in vachanas. However, Nijasaran Ambigar Choudaiah is the only one who has shown self-respect by making his caste the symbol of his vows.

After the Indus culture, traces of this race can be found in the Vedic period, the Ramayana and Mahabharata are the most prominent. Bhisha, the son of Ganges of Mahabharata, Valmiki who wrote Ramayana, Shantanu Maharaja, Ambi, Ambalike, Gangadevi, Matsagandhi, Sugandhini, Durgandhini Vedavyasa Sakshat Agastya Kabbaligaru, (son of Vyasa Boiti) Gautama Buddha, Shakya clan, Karna, Parasurama, Gangaraja, Koliraja, 12th century Ambigara Chaudiya, Rani Poolanadevi, Matamanikya Devi, famous Hindustani singer Gangubai Hanagal, famous writer Chennanna Valikara . Gitanagabhushan, etc. belong to this race.

Coming to the historical period, there is a mention of Ambiraja in the time of Alexander, who is coming, he is also a Kuladev. When King Mangalesa of the Badami Chalukyas came to the throne in South India in the 7th century, Ambigara conquered the island of Revati.He wrote in his inscription that he was victorious with (greater) help. This is a clear record of their ancient history.

Besides that, during the reign of Raja Maharajas who were ruling in North India in South India, Ambigars, Bestars, Koli(Koli), Kabbaligars, Talavaras, Valikaras, Barikas, Gangaputras, Kshatriyas were rich in archery, swordsmanship, wrestling, martial arts. He fought in epic wars and stood with the power of the kings to protect the country. People like Ambiraja, Buddha, Koliraja built and ruled the state. Served as officers. Fight at sea with Forchagis for the first time The victorious queen Abbakkadevi has described the Mogaveeras as being victorious only with the help of the Mogaveeras (Bestaru-Ambigaru) of this race. This is known from the history of Rani Abbak.

Thus, the people of Ambigar community, which has a wonderful history and culture from the beginning, are called by 39 alternative words and are living in different professions. They are facing many problems like poverty, education, employment, reservation facilities. Ambigar community does not get proper political status. Thus the people of this tribe are very backward. To deal with such serious problems and meet the needs of the community, Karnataka State Ganga Matthara Sangh (R) and Karnataka State Gangamatstha Employees Welfare Association (R) are ready to fight jointly.

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