To unite all the different sub-castes of the member employees in Gangamat Samaj and maintain unity and prosperity.
Karnataka State Gangamat Employees Welfare Association (Re) Registration No. 63/2000-2001 came into existence on 27th April 2000, the society's presidents Mr. H. Devendrappa, Mr.Sivasharan Barakera, Mr. Srikanthappa M. N, Mr. KR. Dharmappa, Mr. N. Srinivasalu, Mr. S.Y. Patil, Mr. KN Devappa, Mr. MS Iswarikumar, Dr. HY Harisha, Shri. Amboj SN, Mr. Chandraprasad and others Under the leadership, with the logic and foresight of the society, the Gangamatstha Employees Welfare Development Association was born and the Karnataka State Gangamatstha Sangh, the mother organization of the society, is one of them. Working as a unit. In addition to bringing together all members of the society working in the government, semi-government and private sectors, it includes the following objectives:
To unite all the different sub-castes of the member employees in Gangamat Samaj and maintain unity and prosperity.
To provide assistance in the form of financial assistance, prizes, scholarships, loans in the form of scholarships, and material assistance to practitioners at various levels of poor students belonging to the families of member employees.
For children, brothers and sisters in the family of member employees, Bha. That. Guidance and establishment of institutes for SE, K.A.SE, etc. competitive examinations.
To protect the interests of employees who are members of the association.
Establishing, conducting, and funding Kindergarten, Primary School, High School, College, and various Vocational Educational Institutions for the educational facility of children in the families of member employees.
Establishing relief funds and destitute hostels for economically backward, disabled, destitute, helpless, widows, widowers, infirm, aged destitute in the families of member employees.
Establishment of Co-operative Societies, Users Co-operative Societies, Co-operative Banks, Housing Co-operative Banks, and Welfare Funds for financial assistance and development of member employees.
To publish books, magazines, monthly papers, publication manuals, other publication materials for society awareness for the further development of the association for the knowledge development of the family members of the member employees.
Establishment of reading room, book depository, etc. for the all-round development of the family members of the member employees.
Establishing groom-bride forums to match bride-grooms in member employees' families, encouraging inter-caste marriages, and organizing mass marriages.
Collecting statistics of family members of member employees engaged in various professions Organizing economic development meeting conferences.
To uplift the status of the youth and women of the family of the member employees by providing financial assistance to take up self employment.
To carry out any other schemes for the benefit of member employees