About Us

Karnataka State Gangamat Employees Welfare Association (Re) Registration No. 63/2000-2001 came into existence on 27th April 2000, the society's presidents Mr. H. Devendrappa, Mr.Sivasharan Barakera, Mr. Srikanthappa M. N, Mr. KR. Dharmappa, Mr. N. Srinivasalu, Mr. S.Y. Patil, Mr. KN Devappa, Mr. MS Iswarikumar, Dr. HY Harisha, Shri. Amboj SN, Mr. Chandraprasad and others Under the leadership, with the logic and foresight of the society, the Gangamatstha Employees Welfare Development Association was born and the Karnataka State Gangamatstha Sangh, the mother organization of the society, is one of them. Working as a unit. In addition to bringing together all members of the society working in the government, semi-government and private sectors, it includes the following objectives: